《通風與空調工程施工質量驗收規范》GB 50243-2002
《鐵制和銅制球閥》GB/T 15185-1994
《鋼制閥門 一般要求》GB/T 12224-2005
《生活飲用水輸配水設備及防護材料的安全性評價標準》 GB/T17219-1998
標準編號 標準中文名稱 標準英文名稱
sy/t5835-93 壓裂用井口球閥
gb/t12237-1989 通用閥門法蘭和對焊連接鋼制球閥 general purpose industrial valves--flanged and butt-weld endsteel ball valves
gb/t15185-1994 鐵制和銅制球閥 cast iron and copper alloy ball valves
jb/t7745-1995 管線球閥
jb/t53167-1999 球閥 產品質量分等
jc/t783-2004 玻璃纖維增強改性酚醛塑料球閥
jb/t8861-2004 球閥 靜壓壽命試驗規程
nf e29-350-2003 工業用閥.鋼制球閥、球狀截止閥和止回閥 (industrial valves - steel globe and globe stop and checkvalves.)
nf e29-466-1987 工業閥門.旋轉閥.黃銅球閥.規范 (industrial valves. brass ball-valves. specifications.)
nf e29-354-2003 工業用閥.鑄鐵球閥 (industrial valves - cast iron globe valves.)
nf e29-465-1986 工業閥門.旋轉閥.銅鋁球閥.規范 (industrial valves. cupro-aluminium ball valves.specification.)
nf d36-406-2004 建筑物用閥.建筑物內飲用水給水用手動銅合金和不銹鋼球閥.試驗和要求 (building valves - manually operated copper alloy and stainlesssteel ball valves for potable water supply in buildings - tests andrequirements.)
nf e29-335-2003 石油和天然氣工業用尺寸為dn 100及更小的鋼閘閥、球閥和止回閥 (steel gate, globe and check valves for sizes dn 100 andsmaller, for the petroleum and natural gas industries.)
nf e29-139-1998 建筑物氣體裝置用手工操作球閥和死底錐形旋塞 (manually operated ball valves and closed bottom taper plugvalves for gas installations for buildings.)
ansi/asse 1002-1979 廁所沖水箱球閥 (water closet flush tank ball cocks)
ansi/api 608-2002 對焊和法蘭端金屬球閥 (metal ball valves - flanged and butt-welding ends )
bs en 13709-2003 工業用閥.鋼制球閥、球狀截止閥和止回閥 (industrial valves - steel globe and globe stop and checkvalves)
bs en 13789-2003 工業用閥.鑄鐵球閥 (industrial valves - cast iron globe valves)
bs en iso 15761-2003 石油和天然氣工業用尺寸為dn 100及更小的鋼閘閥、球閥和止回閥
《通風與空調工程施工質量驗收規范》GB 50243-2002
《鐵制和銅制球閥》GB/T 15185-1994
《鋼制閥門 一般要求》GB/T 12224-2005
《生活飲用水輸配水設備及防護材料的安全性評價標準》 GB/T17219-1998
標準編號 標準中文名稱 標準英文名稱
sy/t5835-93 壓裂用井口球閥
gb/t12237-1989 通用閥門法蘭和對焊連接鋼制球閥 general purpose industrial valves--flanged and butt-weld endsteel ball valves
gb/t15185-1994 鐵制和銅制球閥 cast iron and copper alloy ball valves
jb/t7745-1995 管線球閥
jb/t53167-1999 球閥 產品質量分等
jc/t783-2004 玻璃纖維增強改性酚醛塑料球閥
jb/t8861-2004 球閥 靜壓壽命試驗規程
nf e29-350-2003 工業用閥.鋼制球閥、球狀截止閥和止回閥 (industrial valves - steel globe and globe stop and checkvalves.)
nf e29-466-1987 工業閥門.旋轉閥.黃銅球閥.規范 (industrial valves. brass ball-valves. specifications.)
nf e29-354-2003 工業用閥.鑄鐵球閥 (industrial valves - cast iron globe valves.)
nf e29-465-1986 工業閥門.旋轉閥.銅鋁球閥.規范 (industrial valves. cupro-aluminium ball valves.specification.)
nf d36-406-2004 建筑物用閥.建筑物內飲用水給水用手動銅合金和不銹鋼球閥.試驗和要求 (building valves - manually operated copper alloy and stainlesssteel ball valves for potable water supply in buildings - tests andrequirements.)
nf e29-335-2003 石油和天然氣工業用尺寸為dn 100及更小的鋼閘閥、球閥和止回閥 (steel gate, globe and check valves for sizes dn 100 andsmaller, for the petroleum and natural gas industries.)
nf e29-139-1998 建筑物氣體裝置用手工操作球閥和死底錐形旋塞 (manually operated ball valves and closed bottom taper plugvalves for gas installations for buildings.)
ansi/asse 1002-1979 廁所沖水箱球閥 (water closet flush tank ball cocks)
ansi/api 608-2002 對焊和法蘭端金屬球閥 (metal ball valves - flanged and butt-welding ends )
bs en 13709-2003 工業用閥.鋼制球閥、球狀截止閥和止回閥 (industrial valves - steel globe and globe stop and checkvalves)
bs en 13789-2003 工業用閥.鑄鐵球閥 (industrial valves - cast iron globe valves)
bs en iso 15761-2003 石油和天然氣工業用尺寸為dn 100及更小的鋼閘閥、球閥和止回閥
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