污水處理設備 污泥處理設備 水處理過濾器 軟化水設備/除鹽設備 純凈水設備 消毒設備|加藥設備 供水/儲水/集水/排水/輔助 水處理膜 過濾器濾芯 水處理濾料 水處理劑 水處理填料 其它水處理設備
浙江黑卡電氣有限公司是一家集研發、生產、銷售為一體的。專注于紅外熱像、紫外成像、局部放電技術的創新和產業化。致力于為各行各業提供與安全生產和生活相關的整體解決方案和技術服務。浙江黑卡電氣有限公司側重于技術研發并自主生產,技術人員占公司人員60%以上,公司有一支理論、行動快速的研發團隊,核心成員擁有二十余年的行業研究及從業經驗,在長期科研、產品開發和生產過程中,公司積累了大量的相關經驗,全面掌握了紅外、紫外、局部放電的核心技術,并在此基礎上不斷進行技術創新和產品開發。產品通過現場的大量應用及反饋,使研發體系更加緊跟市場、更加專業化。面對機遇,公司將持續在基礎研究和安全智能領域進行研發投入,使技術更、設備更智能、服務更優質。浙江黑卡電氣有限公司以讓人們的生產和生活更安全為使命,并將始終堅持創新、服務、共贏的價值觀,承諾為客戶提供的技術、產品和服務,使客戶和自身從中受益。ZhejiangHeika Electric Co.,Ltd. is a hightech enterprise integrating R&D, production and sales. Focuson the innovation and industrialization of infrared thermal imaging and partialdischarge technology.Committed to providing overall solutions and technicalservices related to safe production and life for all walks of life.Zhejiang Heika Electric Co.,Ltd. focuses on technology research anddevelopment and selfproduction, and technicians account for more than 60% ofthe company's personnel. The company has a theoretically advanced andfastmoving R&D team. The core members have more than 20 years of industryresearch and experience. The company has accumulated a large amount of relevantexperience in longterm research, product development and production, fully masteredthe core technology of infrared and partial discharge, and here On the basis ofcontinuous technological innovation and product development. Through extensiveapplication and feedback on the spot, the product has made the R&D systemmore closely follow the market and more professional. In the face ofopportunities, the company will continue to conduct research and development inthe field of basic research and security intelligence, making technology moreadvanced and equipment more intelligent, and service better.Zhejiang Heika Electric Co.,Ltd. has its mission to make people's production and life safer, and willalways adhere to the values of innovation, service, and win-win, and promise toprovide customers with firstclass technology, products and services to benefitcustomers and themselves.
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