


ticket booking system

  • 公司名稱深圳市東沃智能科技有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       號
  • 所  在  地
  • 廠商性質其他
  • 更新時間2024/11/3 11:06:22
  • 訪問次數86

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深圳市東沃智能科技有限公司是一家集研發、生產、銷售及服務為一體的技術企業。自成立以來一直致力于“智能停車場.通道閘及系統軟件產品為基礎的研發、推廣及應用,已開發出多項具有自主知識產權、成熟的技術成果并推向全國市場,成功研發了景區系統、工地門禁考勤系統、游樂園系統、健身房系統、智能停車場無人值守管理系統、云停車場系統、手機APP支付軟件、車位引導、廣告道閘、廣告門等。硬件產品包括:人行通道翼閘、擺閘、三輥閘、全高轉閘、速通門及門控系統配套設備、智能門禁、智慧動態人臉識別系統、停車場車牌識別設備、車位引導及反向尋車系統、變頻道閘、廣告道閘、廣告門、等配套產品。 公司擁有一大批行業內的高素質專業技術人才、踏實勤奮、專業智慧的銷售人員以及的工程技術.售后服務團隊。公司憑著對智能化應用領域10幾年來的積淀和對未來智能化系統發展的趨勢,以全新的理念.高效的企業文化管理模式,做到了為產品用戶提供產品、技術專業、設備創新、質量穩定、及時靈活、人性化可靠貼心的多方面服務理念。 公司自成立以來,將秉承以“共贏、共享、共擔、追求”為經營理念,秉承以“理智與思考、激情與創新、熱情與誠信、永往直前、超越自我”為企業精神,以“做世界高科技企業”為公司的發展目標,在公司上下的精誠努力下,公司得到了飛速的發展,憑著優質的產品、細致周到的服務和廣泛的銷售渠道及電子商務、網絡營銷模式,公司產品迅速各地市場及東南亞和非洲等國,目前公司擁有國內40個代理商、國外10個代理商和幾千家合作的工程商。 公司正在不斷的努力和進取,一定會以更的技術、更高的質量鑄造精品和服務于社會。“公司將投入大量的資金去開發和創新更多的高科技產品,以滿足市場變換的需求,為廣大用戶創造更大的價值!公司遵循“以客戶為中心、持續貼心、專業的服務”為發展思想,不斷完善公司體系,健全團隊規劃,將在全國各地不斷發展加盟代理商,“十年磨一劍”,公司以放棄的絕心和努力,將“東沃”的品牌打造成行業內的品牌,不但在國內要,在國外也要龍騰虎躍,為民族品牌屹立在世界舞臺上做一份貢獻!
ticket booking system 產品信息
The ticket booking system is an auxiliary subsystem of the scenic spot electronic ticketing system, which uses the mobile phone function to order scenic spot tickets. It is convenient for tourists to book tickets quickly and reduce the pressure of ticket sales at the window

【System Composition】
As a part of the electronic ticketing system, the ticketing system shares the same database platform as the electronic ticketing system and is included in the unified management of the electronic ticketing system. The ticketing system software is deployed in the WEB server. Tourists log in to the ticketing system through the public account of the scenic spot to perform ticket booking operations.
There are three ways to log in to the scenic booking system:
① Pay attention to the public number: You can directly enter the ticket booking system through the public number;
② "Scan" on : Enter the ticket booking system by scanning the QR code of the public in the scenic area;

【System functions】
There are multiple ticket types on the booking interface;
Backstage unified management of ticket types, prices, precautions, etc .;
payment: Tourists transfer the ticket to the scenic account through their account;
Ticket QR code: After the payment is successful, the ticketing system automatically sends the QR code of the ticket to the visitor's mobile phone, and prompts that the booking is successful;
Direct ticket verification: the QR code of the mobile phone can scan the ticket directly on the gate;
The background can count financial information such as the number of tickets and the amount of tickets sold;
Can refund.
Using the function, you can expand other service content: such as scenic spot information, tour guides, restaurant reservations, etc.
The purpose of the introduction of the scenic spot, the promotion of the information of the scenic spot, and the promotion and promotion can be achieved through the micro website. mainly includes:

【Scenery navigation and weather forecast】

[Fee payment and settlement]
Through micro-payment, we can provide ticket settlement services and guarantees between tourists and scenic spots, making it convenient for tourists to book tickets anytime, anywhere, hotel reservations and other online products.






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