Standard TCP / IP communication method, multi-level lightning protection, surge protection
Large-capacity flash memory, save data for 10 years without power loss
All the chips are imported from the original brand new, to meet the industrial grade requirements, to meet a wider working environment
All input interfaces are provided with optocoupler protection, the system is more stable
Up to 16 groups of door opening time for each door, each group can choose different identification methods
A variety of door opening identification methods: card, password, card + password, dual card, free passage, timing door opening and closing, timing alarm
Support remote operation to open and close doors; switch fire and alarm
Support cross-machine area anti-submarine return; support interlock
Support alarm output for multiple events, such as invalid card, invalid time, door alarm, door open timeout
All Weigand interfaces are compatible with 26, 34, 37 protocols and have optocoupler protection.
Data is sent actively, and the transmission is not limited by the number of controllers
Support to individually set the validity period of each card
All access control devices support mixed installation
Cooperate with the software to support attendance and real-time online patrol functions
Support multi-user multi-machine real-time management and monitoring
Equipped with a webcam, combined with a multi-function electronic map, can realize real-time network monitoring and video capture
The controller includes a chassis, a control board, and a 12V4A switching power supply
The practical two-door one-way Ethernet access controller is a product in the TCP / IP networked access control device, and also a product in the practical access control system. Stable, compact, excellent price and other characteristics; the equipment is equipped with sufficient 12V4A power supply, which can directly supply power to the controller, card reader and electric lock. This controller is one of the most practical and economical network access control host in China.
Performance parameter
Card capacity:
3000 sheets
Record inventory:
alarm record:
communication method:
Communication distance:
Card reader:
Wiegang agreement
Opening method:
Single card, password, card + password, dual card, software remote, free passage, button, timing
Standard interface
Card reader:
2 teams
Control output:
2 teams
Exit button:
2 teams
Door sensor input:
2 teams
Communication Interface:
1 TCP / IP network port
Alarm Output:
Fire alarm output:
power input:
1 group 12V output interface
Basic parameters
Motherboard model:
201 T
Motherboard size:
135mm × 105mm × 20mm
Motherboard color:
Motherboard weight:
About 150g
Shell size:
180mm × 167mm × 37mm
Shell color:
Shell weight:
About 1300g
Operating temperature:
<60 ℃
environment humidity:
10% ~ 95% R.H
Operating Voltage:
DC 12 V
Working current:
<130 mA
rated power:
≤5 W
Power-off protection:
10 years
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Construction site practical access control controller 產品信息