●Check valve allow free flow in one direction and blocked flow in the other direction and blocked flow in the other direction.
●Low leakage of cracking pressures available from 0.2 to 7 bar.
●Extensive range of cracking pressuress available from 0.2 to 7 bar.
注:閥孔型號:Valve Cavity:C092
成型刀具 Cavity Tools:CT29-D.CT29-R
請參閱 Reference P99
●Check valve allow free flow in one direction and blocked flow in the other direction and blocked flow in the other direction.
●Low leakage of cracking pressures available from 0.2 to 7 bar.
●Extensive range of cracking pressuress available from 0.2 to 7 bar.
注:閥孔型號:Valve Cavity:C092
成型刀具 Cavity Tools:CT29-D.CT29-R
請參閱 Reference P99
型號 Model | 閥系說明 Description | 額定流量 Rated Flow | 壓力 Max.pressure | 重量 Weight |
CCV-092 | 提動式 Poppet type | 60ℓ/min | 315bar | 0.14Kg |
選購指南/How to order:
CCV | 092 | X | 0.2 | N |
系列編號: 單向閥 Series No. Check Valves | 閥孔型號 Cavity Size | 調整方式 Controls X-不可調整 Non-adjustable | 單向閥開閥壓 Cracking pressure 0.2-0.2 bar 2.0-1.8 bar 4.0-3.5 bar 7.0-7.0 bar | 油封材質 Seals:N-丁腈橡膠 Buna N. V-氟橡膠 Viton. |
