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上海玉研科學儀器有限公司是一家專業為動物實驗、動物研究領域提供科學儀器和技術服務的公司。我們著力引進國外的*科學儀器和實踐經驗,選擇使用廣泛、應用成熟、性能*的實驗儀器和實驗方法,為國內實驗室建設、研究課題進展提供科學、合理的解決方案?! ∮裱袃x器專注于生理、藥理、毒力等動物實驗和研究的相關領域,為客戶提供動物檢驗、生理機能、呼吸血壓麻醉、行為學、肺功能研究等多方面的科學儀器產品和相關服務。我們已經與國際上眾多科學儀器研發機構建立了良好的合作渠道,并取得了多家廠商在中國的代理權,如:Vitalab、Pinnacle、Harvard、Starr Life、IITC、Stoelting、Union Biometrica、Stoelting等等。  玉研儀器致力于真誠為客戶帶來價值。  我們的宗旨:客戶的肯定是我們的成功。  我們的服務理念:開拓、創新、務實、服務,為客戶提供專業、優質的服務。  我們的企業使命:為動物實驗基礎研究領域提供技術產品和專業服務,為祖國的科技進步和健康事業發展做出更大貢獻?!∮裱袃x器公司——專注于動物實驗設備的技術產品和專業服務  動物手術方案:, , , 監護儀, 動物保溫, 電凝, 手術器械, 縫合器, 快速消毒器等  生理指標檢測:血壓, 組織血流量檢測, 心電監護, 脈搏血氧, 呼吸監測, 心電遙測等  檢驗類儀器:血液分析, 生化檢驗, 凝血分析, 尿液, 血氣, 血小板聚集等  神經藥理:行為學, 炎癥疼痛, 腦立體定位, 微透析, 腦脊髓損傷, 腦切片磨具, Von Frey觸覺測量等  毒理設備:口鼻部給藥, 全身暴露給藥, 吸煙機, 氣溶膠發生, 肺功能研究, 呼吸代謝測量, 氣溶膠肺部定量給藥等  動物影像設備:micro-CT, X光機, B超, 視網膜成像等  其他設備:動物標記, 傷口縫合器, 箱, 鼠, , 等
甩尾測痛儀 產品信息

甩尾測痛儀(疼痛甩尾測試儀,甩尾儀,Tail Flick Test Analgesia Meter Apparatus)(測試動物疼痛反應時間和動物對鎮痛藥物的疼痛反應極限,使用簡便,更多詳情敬請)






· 實時尾部溫度/觸發可選

· 觸發溫度設置功能

· 精確數字控制,時間精確度為0.01秒

· 自動切斷保護功能

· 光束強度可調節,步進量1%

· 自動檢測活動反應

· 強制取消定時器功能

· 數字顯示功能

· 標準計算機打印口輸出

· RS-232輸出


Gender-specific behavioral and immunological alterations in an animal?model?of autism induced by prenatal exposure to valproic acid

T Schneider, A Roman, A Basta-Kaim, M Kubera… - …, 2008 - Elsevier

… adverse developmental consequences produced by early brain injuries, especially in animal
models of human … valproic acid have not been studied in the presented animal model of autism …
withdrawal test carried out using an Analgesia Meter apparatus (Mod 33, IITC, INC, USA …


The antinociceptive effect of intrathecally administered adenosine analogs in mice correlates with the affinity for the A1-adenosine receptor

R Karlsten, C Post, I Hide, JW Daly - Neuroscience letters, 1991 - Elsevier

… The animals were used only once. Testing of tail flick was performed using an IITC Inc. Model
33 Analgesiameter, with the light focused on the tip of the tail [3]. The intensity of the beam was
adjusted to give a reaction time of 3-4 s before the it injection of the drug solutions …

Behavioral alterations in rats prenatally exposed to valproic acid: animal?model?of autism

T Schneider, R Przew?ocki - Neuropsychopharmacology, 2005 -

… The thermal paw withdrawal test was carried out using an Analgesia Meter apparatus (Mod 33,
IITC, Inc., USA) … aberrations described in this paper appear before puberty, which could distinguish the VPA rat model of autism from other animal models of psychiatric …


[PDF] Stress of chronic food restriction attenuates the development of adjuvant arthritis in male Long Evans rats

J Jurcovicova, M Stancikova, K Svik… - Clinical and …, 2001 - clinexprheumatol.org

… They had free access to food. In group four AA was induced and the animals received 60%
of the food consumed by the arthritic rats (group 3) on the previous day … The pain threshold
was measured using the tail flick analgesia meter (Model 33 IITC Inc …


Involvement of a spinal brain-derived neurotrophic factor/full-length TrkB pathway in the development of nerve injury-induced thermal hyperalgesia in mice

Y Yajima, M Narita, M Narita, N Matsumoto, T Suzuki - Brain research, 2002 - Elsevier

… each of the hind paws of mice was tested individually using a thermal stimulus apparatus (model
33 Analgesia Meter; IITC Inc./Life Science … An aliquot of tissue sample was diluted with an equal volume of electrophoresis sample buffer (Protein Gel Loading Dye-2x …


[HTML] Prolonged gabapentin analgesia in an experimental mouse?model?of fibromyalgia

M Nishiyori, H Ueda - Molecular pain, 2008 -

… 10 μg in the neuropathic pain model, which is consistent with the previous study that … the ICS model is a promising candidate for experimental FMS or generalized pain syndrome models … thermal paw withdrawal test was carried out using a thermal stimulus (Model 33 Tail Flick …

Early neonatal experience of Long-Evans rats results in long-lasting changes in morphine tolerance and dependence

M Kalinichev, KW Easterling, SG Holtzman - Psychopharmacology, 2001 - Springer

… an organism's responsiveness to stress has been exten- sively investigated in several rodent
models … Previous findings by Kehoe and Blass (1986) provide indirect evidence indicating that
maternal … a light source was focused on the lower third of the tail (Model 33, Tail Flick …

Peripheral antinociceptive effects of MC4 receptor antagonists in a rat?model?of neuropathic pain–a biochemical and behavioral study

K Starowicz, SA Mousa, I Obara, A Chocyk… - Pharmacological …, 2009 - Elsevier

… PWL) in response to noxious thermal stimuli using an Analgesia Meter (mod 33, IITC INC., Landing, NJ … The initial phase of the CCI model of neuropathic pain involves inflammation around the nerve …restricted to the dorsal horns of the spinal cord, similar to previous studies [26 …

Analgesia is produced by uterocervical mechanostimulation in rats: roles of afferent nerves and implications for analgesia of pregnancy and parturition

AR Gintzler, BR Komisaruk - Brain research, 1991 - Elsevier

… a lamp mounted 8 cm above the tail and was maintained until a response was elicited or 10 s
had elapsed (IITC Inc., Model 33, Landing, NJ) … Since in a previous study, there was no correlation between the magnitude of increase in TFL produced by vaginal stimulation and the …


An individual variation study of electroacupuncture analgesia in rats using microarray

YZ Gao, SY Guo, QZ Yin, T Hisamitsu… - The American journal of …, 2007 - World Scientific

… Previous studies have demonstrated that electroacupuncture (EA) at ST36 acupoint could produce profound analgesia … recording the tail flick latency (TFL) induced by radiant heat using Model 33 Tail Flick … Briefly, 750 ng of fast recovery sample cRNA were mixed with 750 ng of …


[PDF] Does exogenous melatonin influence the free radicals metabolism and pain sensation in rat

I Pekarkova, S Parara, V Holecek, P Stopka, L Trefil… - Physiol Res, 2001 - biomed.cas.cz

… It was found in our previous research in the field of pain that after repeated painful … The tail-flick test (TF) (Tail Flick Analgesia Meter Model 33, IITC Inc., Life Science Instruments, USA) measures the … Sample preparation On the last day of the experiment (the 5th day), after all the …


Direct evidence for the involvement of endogenous β-endorphin in the suppression of the morphine-induced rewarding effect under a neuropathic pain-like state

K Niikura, M Narita, M Narita, A Nakamura, D Okutsu… - Neuroscience …, 2008 - Elsevier

… paws of rats were tested individually using a thermal stimulus apparatus (model 33 Analgesia
meter … In the present study, sample preparation was performed 10 days after partial sciatic … 2B).
Consistent with many previous studies which have characterized afferent projections to …

[PDF] Antinocieptive activity of Toddalia asiatica (L) Lam. in?models?of central and peripheral pain

HN KariukiTI KanuiA YenesewNB Patel… - 2012 -

… Antinocieptive activity of Toddalia asiatica (L) Lam. in models of central and peripheral pain … Tail flick test A radiant heat tail-flick IITC Inc. Model 33 analgesiometer was used to measure response latencies according to the method described previously (Corrêa et al., 1996) …















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