Zhibo Incinerator for Waste Liquid
The industrial production will generate large amount of wastewater, most of which can be treated through conventional biological or physical processes, but there is still a small number of high concentration waste water with COD level as high as dozens of thousands or even millions and inorganic salts, which are unable to be removed by the traditional treatment process; so incineration treatment for the highly concentrated waste water is the effective solution that we shall consider;
Zhibo incinerator for waste liquid is specially designed based on the characteristics of different types of wastewater with features as following:
The equipment is applied with the patented technology for incineration of waste gas and waste liquid (Patent No.: ZL.3) to use multi-stage air supply system to reduce emissions of NOX during the combustion, which is currently the effective technology for waste liquid incineration in terms of the reduction of NOX; as the result, the operation cost may be reduced greatly and makes the waste gas completely mixed and burned in the furnace;
2.采用切向式霧化裝置——內部混合式雙流體霧化器,其混合程度、霧化效果、燃燒速度及效率較高。 過剩系數低,可節約大量燃料。
The use of tangential type atomization device —— inside mix type two-flow atomizer brings extreme high efficiency in terms of the mixing, atomizing and combustion speed with low coefficient of excess and saving of a lot of fuel;
3. 采用切線方式燃燒,讓廢液廢氣在爐內充分攪動*,燃燒滯留時間達2秒以上。
The combustion in tangent direction ensures the complete mixing and combustion of the waste liquid and waste gas in the furnace with no dead corners and the combustion time is over 2 seconds;
4. 燃燒安全性高,控制邏輯程序中設有爐內點火前不排除易燃易爆氣體就不能點火的功能,以防氣爆。根據廢水的組成和特點,設計不同形狀和爐襯的焚燒爐體;根據廢水中含鹽、含堿的不同情況設計相應的爐溫控制方式,確保無機鹽焚燒時在爐內不掛壁,避免形成鹽霧飄出爐外,形成二次污染。
High safety during the combustion; the control logic process is designed that the furnace will fail to be ignited unless all possible flammable and explosive gases in the furnace are completely removed to prevent gas explosion. Incinerators in different shapes and furnace linings are designed based on the makeup and features of the wastewater; different control modes for furnace temperature are provided in accordance with the content of salt or alkali in the wastewater to ensure that the inorganic salt will not contact the furnace wall while in combustion, which otherwise will have the salt mist and emit out of the furnace bringing secondary pollution;
5. 充分考慮廢水焚燒后的廢熱利用,可產生熱水、熱風、蒸汽供生產使用。
The waste heat produced by the incineration of the wastewater will be fully utilized to produce hot water, hot air and steam to be used in the production process;
6. 廢水、廢油、廢溶劑可同時處理,以廢治廢,運行成本低。
Treatment of waste water, waste oil and waste solvents at the same time; that is the waste is treated by utilizing the wastes, which brings the operation cost low;
7. 廢液焚燒爐在處理廢水的同時可處理有機廢氣和少量固體廢物。
The incinerator for waste liquid is capable of treating the wastewater and at the same time disposing organic gases and small amount of solid wastes;
Wastewater suitable for incineration:
1. 可燃燒廢液、廢溶劑等
Combustible waste liquid, waste solvents etc;
2. 能夠處理的典型有機成分包括:烴、芳香烴、醇、酮、醛、醚、酚、酯、腈等以及其衍生物的廢液廢水
Typical organic ingredients that may be treated include hydrocarbons, aromatic hydrocarbons, alcohols, ketones, aldehydes, ethers, phenol, esters, nitrile and other derivatives in the waste water;
3. 不可燃有機廢氣、廢水,有機廢氣、酸,高含鹽、含堿高濃度廢液等。(號:ZL .X;ZL .8)
Non-combustible organic waste gas, waste water, organic waste gas, acid, highly-concentrated waste liquid with high content of salt or alkali;
4. 可同時處理有機廢氣、涂裝廢氣,惡臭氣等
Capability for treatment of organic gases, coating waste gases and odors etc at the same time;
Notes: Zhibo Company can provide the most economical, practical and personalized treatment solutions to the customers for choice based on waste liquid or wastewater of any concentration and the working conditions supplied by the customers;
