50KG果蔬垃圾制肥機適用于處理蔬菜水果批發市場、農貿市場、水果店、商場、超市、食品加工企業等地產生的可降解的剩余廢棄物料(果蔬垃圾),將經過篩選分類后的果蔬垃圾倒入該設備,通過微生物菌種高溫好氧發酵技術等綜合處理技術,對果蔬垃圾進行快速分解。果蔬垃圾處理設備設置運行參數后,可自動運行,操作簡單,自動化程度高。將果蔬垃圾變廢為寶制成有機肥料,從而達到減量化、無害化處理、資源化利用, 整個處理過程無公害,不存在二次污染。符合國家果蔬垃圾處理的“減量化、無害化、資源化”就地處理原則。
The 50KG fruit and vegetable garbage fertilizer machine is suitable for treating the degradable surplus waste materials (fruit and vegetable garbage) produced in vegetable and fruit wholesale markets, agricultural trade markets, fruit stores, shopping malls, supermarkets, food processing enterprises, etc. , after sorting, the fruit and vegetable garbage was poured into the equipment, and the garbage was decomposed rapidly by the high temperature aerobic fermentation technology of microorganism. After setting the operation parameters of the equipment, it can run automatically. The operation is simple and the automation is high. The organic fertilizer made from waste of fruit and vegetable can be reduced, treated innocuously and utilized resource. The whole process is pollution-free and no secondary pollution. In line with the national fruit and vegetable waste treatment, "reduction, harmless, resource-based" on-site treatment principle.
型號 | HSS-J50D-001 |
額定處理量(Kg) | 50 |
額定功率(Kw) | 2.7 |
處理周期(h) | 24h |
環境溫度范圍(℃) | -1℃-45℃ |
減量率 | 80-90% |
工作電壓(V) | 220 |
保質期 | 1年 |
主機使用壽命 | 10年 |
外形尺寸(mm) | 820LX520WX900H |
產出物 | 有機肥料 |